Captain Joke

Heard any good ones lately?
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#4 Son
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Captain Joke

Post by David »

A pirate captain is standing on the deck of his frigate when a Spanish warship comes into view. The captain yells to his first mate, “Bring me my RED coat!”

The mate brings the coat, and the two ships engage in a fierce battle where the captain leads his men to a glorious victory.

The mate asks the captain, “Sir, why did you ask for your RED coat?” The captain explained, “By wearing my red coat, if I'm shot in battle, the color will hide that I’ve been wounded, and the men will fight on courageously.”

The next day, a shout comes down from the crow’s nest. “Sir! On the horizon, the Spanish Armada is bearing down on us!”

The captain turns to his first mate and says, “Bring me my BROWN PANTS!”

Re: Captain Joke

Post by rusty »


Re: Captain Joke

Post by Jon »

I was with an Aussie in NZ drinking beer recently and he remarked that the weak beer we were drinking was 'like sex on the beach'. When prompted to explain he did remarking that it was like... 'f**king near water'
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