Summer Fun in SLC

Camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, skiing, skateboarding, surfing, etc...
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Grampa & Gramma
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Summer Fun in SLC

Post by Grampa & Gramma »

We have been working in the garden since returning from Cabo, but now have it in shape. We had a five-day trip to Wasatch Park in our new camper. I'll be in Columbus, OH, 'till the 22nd, then we go to Spokane for almost a week (business and pleasure), then off to the McCloud the day after we get home. No more camping until after the 10th of July! Boo Hoo!
We have 8 tomatoe plants, two cuces, and one zuc, as well as beans, carrots and radishes! Once they start to grow well I'll post a pic.
Here's a couple pics! Love, Dad
We came home and the Poppies were in bloom!  Now its in the 90's.  Summer is here!
We came home and the Poppies were in bloom! Now its in the 90's. Summer is here!
Here we are at our favorite spot in the Wasatch State Park campground  Mid-week, no kids, no one else there!  Perfect!  Good golf, good weather, then Friday-Sunday it snowed!
Here we are at our favorite spot in the Wasatch State Park campground Mid-week, no kids, no one else there! Perfect! Good golf, good weather, then Friday-Sunday it snowed!
We had a neighborhood open house in our new tent trailer before we took it out the first time.  Even the Postie came to visit!  The couple on the left are now in the Saballa house.
We had a neighborhood open house in our new tent trailer before we took it out the first time. Even the Postie came to visit! The couple on the left are now in the Saballa house.
Now we have a new garden there!  The cage is for pole beans!
Now we have a new garden there! The cage is for pole beans!
I had to dig a drainage ditch, but the good news is that the 60 pound jack hammer had no ill effects on either my back or my heart!!
I had to dig a drainage ditch, but the good news is that the 60 pound jack hammer had no ill effects on either my back or my heart!!
Russ & Judy
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#4 Son
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another great one

Post by David »

Thanks for the desk top Dad. those Poppies are great. =D>
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