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Now i call this working!

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 1:19 pm
by rusty
One of my projects at Ningaloo is to use an array of listening stations and acoustic pinger tags to track fish around the reef and see how much territory they use, changes in habitat that occur in different seasons (spawning etc). We hope this is going to tell us more about the way fish use the reef and what parts are important for them and why. This in turn will hopefully help managers design better more effective marine parks. So we have to catch and tag the fish as part of this, which can be pretty tedious; fishing, day after day after day.....

Re: Now i call this working!

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:11 pm
by Michael
Chris was telling me about these microchip they are putting in the trout to track em on the river. They are similar to the chips they put in pets or in James Bond.

Re: Now i call this working!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:24 pm
by Chris
Russ, nice fish and great project. Our partners need to deploy detector antennae arrays (swim through) thoughout the river to monitor their tagged fish (they put a tag starting at 55mm)

A couple of questions: what kind of dry fly are you using to hook the black-tipped reef sharks? Or is it a caddis nymph? The reason I ask is that Ada and I are trying to set up an exchange in January with the TNC outpost on Palmyra, and I need to know salt water techniques. Can you come up and guide us?

I caught a 16-18" rainbow last night on a salmonfly pattern, and let it go too.


Re: Now i call this working!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:40 pm
by judith
Thanks for the info of what you're doing at Ningaloo! I really need a science lesson about this and I'm sure I'm not alone. Can't imagine fishing all the day and catching too. M0M Mom