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New plants the garden

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 5:33 pm
by Chris
Today, Ada and I planted some tomatoes, squash and basil in the raised bed that we built at Nelson Ranch last fall. Our winter crop of lettuce, spinach, mustard and chard grew great until it warmed up and the bugs came. And the wind picked up the cold frame and chucked it over the house and splintered it in the drive.
Here's the tomatoes and squash that we have been ferrying in and out of the house while waiting for suitable temperatures
Here's the tomatoes and squash that we have been ferrying in and out of the house while waiting for suitable temperatures
We cut the domed tops off of a couple of failed water pressure storage tanks from the domestic well to serve as tomato planters (ground squirrels are a problem here, but I challenge one to leap up on or climb these metal tanks). Pictured (l-r)are two Early Girls, a Brandywine, a Black Krim, and my best girl.
Mount Shasta obscured by a convective storm developing in the background. Ada's the far right tomata.
Mount Shasta obscured by a convective storm developing in the background. Ada's the far right tomata.
The squash, two Buttercups (Ada's favorite, and no jokes about the Princess Bride correlation) and a Butternut, went into the raised bed next to the basil plantation. Once all of this stuff was in we rigged up an irrigation system and caged the lot so it hopefully grows well as we come and go between our duties here and on the other side of the volcano.
Me and the squash and basil.  The hat proves that I am not "going native".
Me and the squash and basil. The hat proves that I am not "going native".
So all of you, how do your gardens grow? Let's see some vegetation.

Re: New plants the garden

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 1:38 pm
by Grampa & Gramma
We have our garden in with space for a second planting of beans, beats and carrots.

Re: New plants the garden

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:22 pm
by rusty
Great to see the gardens getting into gear, we're hoping to get a round of winter stuff in soon. SHould be time to plant garlic in a couple of weeks as the solstice approaches. We are also going for a potato year!

Re: New plants the garden

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 7:04 pm
by Michael
My garden this year. I went big on the sunflowers. The tomatoes are just starting to ripen.