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Chris's 50th on the McCloud

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:00 am
by Michael
Last weekend I headed up to the McCloud to celebrate Chris's 50th B-day with Mom and Dad and some of Chris and Ada's friends.

As usual we ate well, partied hard, and played scrabble. GG

Mom and Dad kept the fire going in the cabin.
Mom and Dad relaxing in the cabin
Mom and Dad relaxing in the cabin

Chris did some fishing in his new waders and he caught a few, even though the water was high from the recent heavy rains. The fish wont have a chance when he gets his new rod.
Chris fishing off the beach.
Chris fishing off the beach.
Chris checking his line.
Chris checking his line.
Dad was looking for copper on the beach.
Hunter and gatherer
Hunter and gatherer

It was fall on the river...
Fall on the river
Fall on the river
Leaves were changing
Leaves were changing
Gotta keep the looneys on the path
Gotta keep the looneys on the path
The oyster mushrooms were just starting to come out. Chris and Ada should be having mushroom omelets next week.
The baby oyster mushrooms
The baby oyster mushrooms

Re: Chris's 50th on the McCloud

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:01 pm
by Grampa & Gramma
We visited our friend Sue Bates in Medford, then joined the party at the McCloud. Chris said to bring ribs for 20! Just how many is that? I took four packs from Costco, thinking two slabs/pack, but it was three per! And only 15 showed up! They have left-overs and we have a whole pack in our freezer. We had a great time. Lots of their friends from the area plus San Fran. We arrived on Friday and came home on Tuesday. Here are some additions to Mikes pictures.

Here is Chris's tribute created for and presented at his party. (It is open for additions!):


When Jon broke his jaw while skiing out of bound
Our Chris was there, so Jon was found.
When Mike needed Heimlich to free the sprout,
Our Chris was there to pop it out.
When camping spider bit his mother’s eye,
Our Chris was there, and she didn’t die.
When both babies cried and Dad was away,
Chris was there, and he saved the day.
When the rope tow cracked his father’s head,
Our Chris was there to get him the sled.
When Dave tumbled out as the car was parked
Our Chris was there, but did he take part?
And when Rusty, drilling, cut into his thumb,
Why did this happen, Chris was at home!
So does mischief make while our Chris is near?
If so, don’t worry, for Chris will take care.
Now Jason, on the river, you stick with our Chris.
Your worries are over, our Chris has a fix!
It is said there were more times when Chris took care,
But his parents don’t know, they weren’t there!
If Chris has an accident it would surely be rare,
But Our Ada would be there, and she would take care.
So it came to pass, when the appendix did burst.
Our Ada was there to serve as the nurse.
Through thickness and thin, with scotch (but not gin),
Go with Chris on adventures, you’re certain to win!

Russell C. Babcock
(the father!)
July 4, 2006
(Amended September, 2009)

Re: Chris's 50th on the McCloud

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 5:09 am
by Jon
Looks like a good time was had by all. The colors are beautiful. Congratulations Chris and thanks for saving my bacon so many times!