Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:37 am
Welcome Mathilda Babcock, born at 2:10 am on 11-11-11, weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces.
Hannah started having contraction on the 9th but they were mild and not really very regular. I guess they call this prodromal labor. The real contractions started around 9 pm on the 10th. They were much more intense and they started coming every 5 minutes. We were timing the contractions with an iphone app so we could go to the hospital when the contractions got to be 4 minutes apart. The contraction quickly got to be every 3-4 minutes. We delayed leaving for the hospital for a few minutes while we waited for Hannah's mom to arrive. As soon Joan arrived it was time to go. We headed to the hospital at 11:30pm. About half way to the hospital I asked Hannah how she was doing and she replied, "I'm afraid to tell you, I can feel a lot of pressure (down there)". I pushed the peddle down on the Prius and started weaving through traffic. We got to hospital around midnight and Hannah's first exam showed that she was 8 cm dilated! The doctor showed up around 2 am and with 4 pushes the baby was born. The birth was probably too fast and caught everyone off guard, even the doctor. When the doctor put the baby on Hannah's chest she said that we have a baby girl. We were so caught up in the birth that we forgot that we didn't know the sex. I got to cut the cord.
Mathilda was perfect but Hannah had some pretty bad bleeding. She was rushed into the OR the following morning to try and find the source of the bleeding. She got 2 units of blood and some platelets. They ended up inflating a balloon in her uterus to stem the bleeding. It worked, the bleeding had stopped the next day but we ended up staying in the hospital for an extra day to let Hannah recover and regenerate some blood.
Now we are home and Hannah is recovering. We are figuring out a routine and trying to get enough sleep each night. Mathilda is a healthy eater and at her one week pediatrician appointment she had gotten back to her birth weight.
Hannah started having contraction on the 9th but they were mild and not really very regular. I guess they call this prodromal labor. The real contractions started around 9 pm on the 10th. They were much more intense and they started coming every 5 minutes. We were timing the contractions with an iphone app so we could go to the hospital when the contractions got to be 4 minutes apart. The contraction quickly got to be every 3-4 minutes. We delayed leaving for the hospital for a few minutes while we waited for Hannah's mom to arrive. As soon Joan arrived it was time to go. We headed to the hospital at 11:30pm. About half way to the hospital I asked Hannah how she was doing and she replied, "I'm afraid to tell you, I can feel a lot of pressure (down there)". I pushed the peddle down on the Prius and started weaving through traffic. We got to hospital around midnight and Hannah's first exam showed that she was 8 cm dilated! The doctor showed up around 2 am and with 4 pushes the baby was born. The birth was probably too fast and caught everyone off guard, even the doctor. When the doctor put the baby on Hannah's chest she said that we have a baby girl. We were so caught up in the birth that we forgot that we didn't know the sex. I got to cut the cord.
Mathilda was perfect but Hannah had some pretty bad bleeding. She was rushed into the OR the following morning to try and find the source of the bleeding. She got 2 units of blood and some platelets. They ended up inflating a balloon in her uterus to stem the bleeding. It worked, the bleeding had stopped the next day but we ended up staying in the hospital for an extra day to let Hannah recover and regenerate some blood.
Now we are home and Hannah is recovering. We are figuring out a routine and trying to get enough sleep each night. Mathilda is a healthy eater and at her one week pediatrician appointment she had gotten back to her birth weight.