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2012 Canoe Trip Report

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:24 pm
by Jon
We had a great canoe trip to Ontario a couple of weeks ago. Chris and Ada flew into Indy and we car pooled up. Chris and Ada joined the trip in Indy and Jason joined in Chicago. We stopped and had lunch with Jean and Jack in Janesville and got a pretty strong committment from Jack that he would join the 2013 expedition.

We camped at Caliper Lake and had no neighbors in the campground which was great. Pat and Dave made us a great burger dinner and the next day we fished and brought home enough fish for a fish fry.

We made a two day trip in Kakagi (Crow) lake and ended up with a really sweet camp spot towards the eastern end. We caught enough bass to keep us fed and Jason landed a nice Northern. Ada had the hot lure for bass and even swam for it rather than risk losing it when it became snagged.

We ended the trip with more outings on Lake of the Wooks and continued to bring home fish for the frying pan. Dave and Pat were great hosts feeding us, keeping the beer cold and trolling us back and forth over walleye hotspots.

There is already some discussion about the 2013 trip. We are hoping to make it happen sometime around the end of August or first part of September. If there are any significant conflicts and you want to go let us know as soon as you can.

Re: 2012 Canoe Trip Report

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:13 am
by Jason
Thanks Jon and Carrie for making so many of the arrangements, the trip was a blast.

Re: 2012 Canoe Trip Report

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:24 pm
by Chris
It was a great trip, and thanks to all for the experiences. Jon, you know that wet lichen wants revenge, so you have to be careful. Nice new Icon picture Jason! Can you email me that picture of Andy toasting a marshmellow (at its highest resolution)? Great picture and I want to print it for my office wall.

?2013?-- a) Height of Land the hard way? b) East of Shistose there be clams. c) Kenora and Nestor Falls realy aren't so far from each other, are they Gandalf?

Get your charts out and weigh in.

Re: 2012 Canoe Trip Report

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:14 pm
by Jon
Thanks for posting your pics guys. Jason, I'd love a high res file of Andy at the fire too. Thanks!

Re: 2012 Canoe Trip Report

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:17 pm
by Michael
Get the feather!

There are a lot of logging roads out there. You could really get around using them to portage and maybe one of these....

Image ... ategory=77

Re: 2012 Canoe Trip Report

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:41 am
by Jon
If you get a set for each end you could ride in the canoe over the down hill sections.