2014 Canoe trip - Day 1

Camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, skiing, skateboarding, surfing, etc...
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2014 Canoe trip - Day 1

Post by rusty »

After laying awake most of the night listening to Labatt-laden losers we were ready to get out quickly, but first things first. While things were getting packed up Chris took care of breakfast, whipping up an amazing skillet full of scrambled eggs and sausage that really set us up for the day. We got going to Dave and Pat's, and started ferrying people and gear to Dogpaw Lake where there was a boat ramp. This area is on one of the reservations so we were pretty conscious of trying not to get in the way of anybody, which was difficult when about 7 boats rocked up with a bunch of guys from Connecticut or something who were all going out to one of the camps on the lake for a fishing trip. This probably delayed us for at least half an hour while they got everything loaded, but we were able to use the time will by posing for multiple group shots in the expedition T-shirts. We finally got into the canoes and off, headed for Salvation Camp. The Paddling was pretty easy, there was a bit of a breeze and I’m sure that at the time we thought it was a bit of a pain, but what did we know at that stage of the trip! I got a bass on my first cast, using a daredevil. Nice start to the trip. We got to a narrows where the lake flowed through a channel; this was our planned lunch spot. Obviously people had been doing this for centuries since there were plenty of oaks there suggesting native Americans and traders had spent time there. There were some bushes but no berries, too late in the season I guess, which was a little disappointing since I really love berries. The rocks were slippery getting out and despite (or maybe because of) numerous warnings from Chris Ada slipped and went down right on her butt. No harm done. I guess it was good to get the first fall out of the way…..Once we got thru the passage we got out onto a nice bit stretch of water, and the bolt on sounder I had bought in Salt lake indicated fish near the bottom at about 85 ft and up into the water column to about 45 ft. Actually there were a heap of fish there, and some really big signals on the sounder. We started jigging, I used one of the spoons I had made, Dave had a big (giant) luminescent squid thing that was surely not intended for lake fishing. I thought it was pretty ugly but it got to the bottom which was important, I guess, because after a bout 15 min. Dave hooked into a fish, which turned out to be a pretty nice little (did you notice how I said little Dave?) lake trout around 4lb (27inch). We tried a bit longer without success so kept paddling, picking up a couple more bass on the way, but they all got released. The sounder was a bit of a problem at first since it wobbled a lot, as Jon had found the year before. We discussed this at lunch and thought about various kinds of vanes we might make to stabilize it. Something Jon said about turbulence made me remember that some of the oceanographic cables I have seen are furry to stop exactly this type of thing. So I tied on bunches of grass. It looked like crap but worked a treat. The sight of Salvation Camp was very welcome after 18km and it was a great camp with a great dinner of skirt steak that Jon and Carrie cooked. Dave cooked the trout for lunch the next day. Slept really well as the ground was very soft and duffy. Dark though under the trees. A big front came thru just before dawn with winds blowing about 25 knots so the canoeing promised to be “interesting”.
Nice breakfast Chris, pretty tasty too. The canadian yodelers were eyeing chris off while this was cooking, wondering if he was the guy stalking them the night before
Nice breakfast Chris, pretty tasty too. The canadian yodelers were eyeing chris off while this was cooking, wondering if he was the guy stalking them the night before
What a team!
What a team!
maybe its something about the way he sticks his tongue out.....
maybe its something about the way he sticks his tongue out.....
what can you say, a good way to start the trip!
what can you say, a good way to start the trip!
planning the next day's route
planning the next day's route
This meal was pretty gourmet, the beans were awesome and the steak very tasty, nice to get some red meat because we knew it was going to be fish from now on....
This meal was pretty gourmet, the beans were awesome and the steak very tasty, nice to get some red meat because we knew it was going to be fish from now on....
still smiling at the end of the day!
still smiling at the end of the day!
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