2014 Canoe trip - Day 6

Camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, skiing, skateboarding, surfing, etc...
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2014 Canoe trip - Day 6

Post by rusty »

Day 6. Fun type; 1
The next day dawned another real cracker, so still we could hear woodpeckers hammering from the other end of the lake. We headed out to the eastern part of the lake pretty much straight away, fished the rock bar for a while and then the shallow shorelines trying for walleye. We did get a few small ones which was good, though we had to work pretty hard for them. After giving this a few hours we headed back to the island to pack up and get ready to head over to Kakagi. It wasn’t far to Kakagi, then a short haul over and into the big lake, so most of the paddling for the day was through Kakagi itself. There was an island that had a good campsite on it that we were aiming for, and we made it there about mid-afternoon. Along the way the sounder showed good depth and a few lake trout but though we did fish for them a couple of times we didn’t have any real luck. A few average sized bass were caught, but not too much else.

The campsite was nice, it was separated from the main shoreline by a narrow channel and a couple of boats that looked like muskie charters trolled through it. They didn’t seem to be catching anything, and a local that Dave spoke too who was also fishing the area said it had been a particularly slow year for muskie and pike. He was fishing for lake trout, also without success. We gave this a shot as well, just off the camp where we could see plenty on the sounder, but had no luck at all.

By the time we were setting up camp the weather was cooler and starting to look a bit threatening. It was clouding over and there was even a bit of light rain. The biggest drama of that afternoon was Jason falling through a section of overhanging shoreline and cutting his foot on some of the timber that broke through. First aid kits were mobilised and after a bit of debate Chris took care. I didn’t get to use my needle and thread.
we had a short portage around these falls to Kakagi
we had a short portage around these falls to Kakagi
View over Kakagi as the weather was changing
View over Kakagi as the weather was changing
Some intense concentration going on here but the hoped for strike never came
Some intense concentration going on here but the hoped for strike never came
The gang at the last camp on Kakagi.
The gang at the last camp on Kakagi.
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